A big huge thank you!


I wanted to say thank you to every one of you that has been cooking my recipes, getting in touch and saying how they worked and sending pics.  

Please keep your pictures and emails coming, it is such a great feeling when I get a message to say you tried a recipe and loved it.

Don’t forget that if at any point you get stuck or think my recipe doesn’t make sense, get in touch.

Also feel free to comment, most of the recipes link back to a page on the chronicles where you can comment on what you think.

Special thanks goes to Clare and Grace for all the help recipe testing and developing, it really has been invaluable and has been a highlight of lockdown.

Also big thanks to Nicky who sanity checks our recipes and whose gorgeous sticky toffee puddings are pictured here.


Xin nian kuai le! Happy Chinese New Year


Veganuary, Dry January and the January Blues