
Kelly Hooper Kelly Hooper

Did someone say burger?

For me the perfect burger has to be messy, absolutely delicious and belt busting because you really want to not be able to stop eating, even if you think you should. 

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Kelly Hooper Kelly Hooper

All hail the allium

I don’t think many days go by (or in fact any day?) without me reaching for one of the most used food families there is worldwide; alliums.

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dinner, lunch Kelly Hooper dinner, lunch Kelly Hooper

Take one chicken

As our regular readers will know, I absolutely love chicken. I would go so far as to say it is my favourite meat. There really is so much you can do with a chicken, so many different meals

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Kelly Hooper Kelly Hooper

Winter warmers

I don’t know about you, but because it is freezing at the moment, all I can think of is slow cooked or spicy dishes. Or even slow cooked spicy dishes.

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