21st September 2020

Have I told you how much I LOVE Eleanor Ford’s book Fire Islands?  I should have because I cook from it fairly often and I do really love it.  It is an Indonesian cookbook and the recipes I’ve tried are all all super delicious.  The food is absolutely full of flavour and always leaves me wanting more.

So today I needed something quick and spicy and had some gorgeous large prawns we picked up from the Butchers.  Rhona remembered the sambal prawns I had made before and so that is what I did.  The recipe is quick and easy and really very good.  I can’t get my sambal as dark red as the recipe but it doesn’t take away from the taste which is sweet and sour salty and hot - everything a good Asian dish should be. You know how good a dish is when you finish eating and actually contemplate making it all over again. Needing to get my sambal perfect seems like a great excuse too.


22nd September 2020


20th September 2020