22nd July 2024

Back during one of the covid days baked feta pasta was all the rage on Tik Tok.  Baked feta (with or without pasta) was something I had been making for several years at that point so, initially I was bemused that it had become such a big hit but then I remembered just how fabulous it is, and so was pleased so many people were now enjoying it.  

At the weekend I bought a block of feta for feta avocado and bacon rolls but then we ended up having a BLT and not using it.  Then Sunday I was looking for a recipe and just happened to come across the baked feta pasta and then that was that, our meat free Monday fate was sealed.  I love how creamy and salty and tangy this is, a spicy chilli for me makes this just perfect.  

Another reason this is perfect for Mondays (aside from the meat free element) is that you come in, throw the feta and veggies into the oven and then you have a little time out before cooking the pasta and finishing off the dish. LBH Monday's are hard work so your evening meal really needs not to be.


26th July 2024


21st July 2024