24th March 2022

The flight felt very long and exhausting and we finally made it Centurian where Riaan collected us.  After a very quick hello to everybody and a freshen up we headed out to do some bits while everybody finished working and while out we grabbed a sneaky Wimpy.  Their little hash brown cubes are to die for and well we were passing so what is a girl to do.  I love Wimpy, it just does not feel the same as burger places in the UK for some reason. 

I have really happy memories of Wimpy UK when I was a child.  On the high street where I grew up there was a Wimpy, which you went in to sit down and eat and not take away (maybe this was just how things were then, few takeaways?) and so that in itself was special. There were no McDonalds at that point and so going out for a burger and chips felt like such a treat as burgers were not something my mother ever made at home.  We went very very rarely but I loved it, I loved the coffee smell in the air, the chips which I remember I used to just be so excited for as they were these perfect little crunchy rectangles (we rarely had chips because mum hand made them and as an adult now I appreciate just how much work goes into that) and the burger with these gorgeous tiny lovely little diced onions and the ketchup all washed down with a lime milkshake. This all felt special.

It has to be said that although Wimpy UK went downhill in my opinion as the years went on, Wimpy SA has not.  The chips and ketchup are still the same as they were on my very first visit.  I could not tell you about the beef burgers as I don’t often order beef burgers anywhere and tend to stick to chicken. 

I love SA very much.


25th March 2022


23rd March 2022