27th August 2024

After testing on and off over the last 4 years I think we are finally FINALLY there with the falafel recipe.  I cannot believe it has taken so much to get it right.  When I started on this journey all I really wanted was to make light fluffy falafels with a jar of chickpeas rather than dried that I had to soak overnight.  I wanted them to be simple and healthy so ideally to be cooked in the oven.  I have learnt a lot in the very many failed attempts, the biggest one being you cannot have it all.  In order to use a jar they really do need to be fried. 

Tonight we road tested our final recipe and we are there.  I am so relived.  As I bit into the gorgeous patty (we turned tonights into burgers) with the crisp outer and the fluffy inside I felt a huge amount of relief I have to say.  I am pleased we did not give up and got there but oh my gosh it took a lot.


28th August 2024


26th August 2024