27th March 2022

We went to a restaurant in Brits today for pizza.  Although it sounds strange, the pizza in SA is really different to the pizza in the UK. It has more of a cheese on toast feel to it rather than pizza.  I say than the UK, let me qualify that, there are chains in the UK which are more Americanised and then there are independents which if you are lucky you can get to to get a stone baked more European pizza.  Honestly I would happily swerve the pizza chains in the UK because most of them are so mediocre, so expensive and just not worth it. In SA they are not Americanised, just very different. Whatever the difference, I really enjoyed it.

So we sat in the sun for a few hours, drink in hand and I realised just how very long winter has been and how nice it is to feel the sun on your skin and be away.


28th March 2022


26th March 2022