28th January 2024

We have been trying to cook with sensible portion sizes and cook without making leftovers. Whilst I love leftovers, we usually meticulously plan our meals and rarely build in the leftovers for a night or two later (unless I use leftovers for a totally different dish) so this means our freezer fills up with little containers or food bags. However, because we are trying to cook more sensibly this does mean the freezer is now filled with odd fillets or pieces of meat and fish.  Our very small freezer.  Sometimes it is worse than others and at the moment it is packed to the rafters.  Every time you need to get something out or put it in you have to fight with the freezer and contents and then spent an absolute age restacking it and trying to make everything fit again. 

So in the last few weeks we have been trying to use up what is in there and today we took all of the fish out and made fish pie.  I absolutely love fish pie, it is soft and comforting and just delicious.  I forgot just how much I love it actually until I took my first fork full. The only even slightly negative thing about fish pie is that it is a little soft with not much texture and so my answer to that is peas, the sweetness, the little pop is just perfect with fish pie and actually together they are a match literally made in heaven.


29th January 2024


27th January 2024