3rd February 2024

Victoria and I went for coffee today instead of tomorrow and we walked about town looking for somewhere to have coffee.  Sevenoaks was so busy it was ridiculous.  Every single coffee shop has heaving with not even standing room and the car park was full of horns. It was really horrible. I got to a point where I thought we would never get anywhere and I was trying to make my brain actually work whilst fast running out of energy.

Eventually we went into Marks and thankfully there was room for the 3 of us.  They were selling these 'magic' coffee which is a double ristretto topped with frothy milk and flavoured with maple syrup.  The coffee itself was really lovely, albeit strong but, it is served in a glass.  No handle, hot HOT coffee in a glass. Who designed and came up with this? Why not a vessel with handles so you can actually drink it without risking burning your hands?  It is so odd that sometimes the stupidest things mean your enjoyment is less than it should be.


4th February 2024


2nd February 2024