5th January 2023

I love wings.  Well, we all love wings in this house.  The number of wing recipes we have might be a bit of a giveaway on that.  Anyway, I found a new wing recipe and being Chinese inspired I couldn’t wait.  Now reader, I have said this before and I will no doubt say this again.  Follow your instincts.  Every time.  They are there for a reason.  So this recipe marinates the wings in the delicious sauce then cooks it all.  My first thought was won’t that make the skin soggy?  Anyway, I ploughed on with the recipe and the answer is, yes, of course the skin was then flabby and not very nice.  Also, despite the wings marinating for 6 hours, the marinade did not get through the skin so frankly made very little difference, it also burnt.  So I will try again, cooking with my instincts which is marinade mixed, wings cooked until crispy and baste once they are nice and crispy and serve the sauce as a dipping sauce.


6th January 2024


4th January 2024