9th November 2020

Tonight we made some gorgeous mushroom and cabbage wontons, shiitake mushrooms are so tasty and lovely, the filling also had some cabbage, rice noodles, water chestnuts, pak choi and a lovely dressing that I made.  The wonton shapes were a little tricky but luckily Rhona was able to master the technique by following the instructions by Jeremy Pang.

I also have a new favourite ingredient, Chi uchow chilli oil, it is super spicy and has sesame oil in so full of flavour.  It goes really well in a dipping sauce although it did make my lips tingle!  Lovely.

When you are rehydrating dried shiitake mushrooms, put them in cold water for a few hours rather than hot water for half an hour, they keep a much, much better flavour.


10th November 2020


8th November 2020