Fabulous South African Food

I hope you have been enjoying our recipes on our website albeit that there have been few new ones in recent months.  I have found this year really hard, hence the long months of silence.  For me this year has definitely been harder than last year and I think part of that is the terrible summer we had.  It made the year feel long and dark and made us feel trapped.  Last year the weather was fabulous and we had months outside enjoying the garden, the sun providing us with vitamin D.  Also I think that because lockdown was so new it was so much easier than lockdown 3 or 4 or whatever we are now on.

Although we have been cooking, it has been much more run of the mill food with very little food invention or recipe testing, especially compared to last year.  I really lost my mojo and also found putting words on paper very difficult.  As the case numbers rise again I wonder if we are staring down the barrel at another lockdown.  We will have to see but I am determined to stay more positive.

Part of that positivity comes from the fact that we have recently returned from South Africa where we were lucky enough to escape to before it was put back on the red list.  Rhona's mum is not well and so we needed to get back and wanted to get back while we could just in case something changed and it went red, although really not believing things would go downhill so quickly.

Bobotie and Sambal

It felt great to catch up with loved ones, to be in the sun, to get some downtime and to be thoroughly spoilt by friends and family.  South Africa is such a beautiful country.  We ate so much good food, we relaxed and recharged our batteries and neither of us wanted to return, I have never felt so sad leaving anywhere.  There are so many highlights but a couple of favourites are a fantastic weekend in Haarties with Riaan, Thea and the kids and a heavy night with Kerryn and Rose followed by lunch and a long walk on the beach and so much laughter our sides hurt.

So now we are home, reset and back cooking.  On our return the only thing I could think about was the bobotie Rose served, it was fabulous.  We immediately set about coming up with a recipe that tasted like that and I think we may have pulled it off.  It took a few goes but we got there in the end.  It is moist, super tasty, not overly labour intensive and a dish you must try.  It has the comfort of shepherd's pie with the warmth of curry, it is one of my favourite South African foods and really, I have a lot.

Malva pudding cupcakes with Amarula icing

We came back with so much food and drink it made me laugh, jalapeno red and green Jelly from Daleswood Fromage, apricot jam, Bovril, kechup, Aromat, brandy, wine, also a large bottle of Amarula.  Aside from drinking the gorgeous Amarula we decided to make the nicest malva pudding cupcakes with Amarula icing, they are sweet, tasty and light and so so so good. Too good.

After we returned and had perfected the bobotie we had a fabulous evening with Clare and Alan and James and Kathryn.  We tested the recipes out and also made a vegan version for Kathryn and served both with a South African sambal, banana yoghurt and yellow rice.  It was a lovely evening and the food seemed to go down a storm. 

A few other South African favourites are chakalaka (thank you Jo for the recipe), Cape Malay curry, mosbolletjies with amarula butter, vetkoek with curried mince and a fantastic peri peri sauce which is delicious over chicken but also makes the best pregos and really peps up tomato soup.  It is better than you can buy and keeps in the fridge so do try it.

Now to turn our hands to Christmas.

Happy cooking!

Special thanks from our travels to Riaan and Thea for putting us up, for spoiling us, for Haarties, for the great food (especially the snoek), and most importantly for hosting round 1 of Mexican train. Be scared for next time!  Rose and Geoff for your great hospitality, the fabulous company and the amazing bobotie which prompted us to go on the search for a recipe just as good.  Also to Kerryn for travelling so far to see us.  You have all helped to restore us and made the sad moments easier to cope with. 


Happy New Year


Asparagus Season