11th April 2022

I love vegetables but if you had asked me a couple of months ago if I like leeks I probably would have said they are ok in a really uninterested way.  I was sick earlier this year and Rhona made chicken and barley soup with leeks and then for St David's Day I made leek and cheddar tarts and now I can honestly tell you I love them.  They are so sweet and tasty and have a real mild oniony taste that overpowers nothing yet brings so much.

I have had an idea in my head for a cheese and leek baked potato for a while and last night got around finally to trying it.  The flavours were good but there was no texture and because I mashed the potato to make it buttery it actually just tasted like the best mash potato I have ever eaten.  I am determined to get it right and will try again next week because the taste was lovely.


12th April 2022


10th April 2022