12th October 2020

It’s meat free Monday which I am really enjoying, I really do love vegetables and I like trying different things to cook.  Today I really felt like a bowl of pasta and looking through the cupboards to see what was in there I found we had some beautiful Kalamata olives and capers and it came to me, puttanesca. I love puttanesca, it is so full of flavour, full of garlic with a hint of chilli and the way the olives lose their saltiness yet none of the flavour they are just YUM.

I made my usual pasta sauce then added the cut kalamata olives and capers and I like to put the rind of parmesan into it, it adds a lovely flavour and takes some of the acidity away.  When you finish your parmesan wedges just put the rind in the freezer for when you need it.  It transforms tomato sauce, try it :-)


13th October 2020


11th October 2020