13th September 2020

On the front page the September delicious magazine are pork chops with plums which looks so good you want to reach into it and eat it.  It also just so happened that in the Australian Masterchef we just watched they had a mystery box containing pork chops and apples.  So I got to thinking about what I could cook with pork and apples and make it just that little bit more special than pork with apple sauce. 

So Saturday morning whilst waiting for my tea to brew (6 minutes makes the PERFECT cup) I was going through ideas and came up with Pork chops with apples two ways; an apple and rocket salad with a mustard dressing and apples cooked with onions; heavily seasoned with some walnut butter to go on top of the pork when cooked.  I feel embarrassed when I cook things and say how fabulous it is but this was REALLY very good and so I have to.  The walnut butter was really delicious and I absolutely loved the apple salad, the freshness with the mustard dressing was just so good and it went perfectly with the pork which had the best crackling. 

Matt saw on Instagram an amazing looking chocolate cake with a surprise of chocolate sauce in the middle which only revealed itself when it was cut.  I found a chocolate cake recipe, adapted it a little and added some nespresso coffee (I love coffee in a chocolate cake, it adds a depth of flavour hard to get without it) and made a chocolate sauce (1 part chocolate to 2 parts cream).  The taste was totally out of this world but I think would be even better if the sauce was a little thicker.  Next week I will try 1½ parts chocolate and hope it will ooze out just that little bit slower.

I also laughed to myself, I was going through Crumb again thinking I would make my sourdough starter when Richard advises against using glass as if you somehow break the glass you would lose your starter. DOH! So I have ordered a less nice looking plastic container for my starter now. I will get there one day.


14th September 2020


12th September 2020