13th September 2021

I still haven't learnt how to properly make and bake bread.  I can make different breads like ciabatta, roosterkoek, a simple loaf etc but it doesn’t come instinctively and I need to read a recipe fully and properly. They also don’t always work out and I do really like the idea of learning how to make proper bread and baguettes and things.

I did make a starter so that I could start to learn how to make sough dough but I need to remake it because like an idiot I managed to kill it.  I didn't remake it because I tried twice and then thought am I really going to use this every day which I think is what is needed (at least initially) and thought maybe not. I now wish when I first killed it I had immediately redone it.  What I would actually like it for mostly is stone baked sour dough pizza.


14th September 2021


12th September 2021