16th July 2023

I have this stupid thing with internet shopping (of which most of my shopping is) whereby I often find myself with either a very teeny tiny amount of something or the largest amount possible that they sell. It is for this reason that I found myself with a glut of carrots this week. I pondered what to make and although carrot cake was SCREAMING out at me, I do also have a large amount of cherries to make something sweet out of so thought I would go savoury.

This weekend has really felt like autumn and so while carrot salad is delicious, standing in the kitchen I thought I would just make something warming like a soup.  Most of my carrot soup recipes contain ground ginger or ground cumin but I really wanted the predominant flavour to be carrot and so I decided to keep it simple.  I put everything into the pot with some parmesan rind and cooked until the carrots soft then removed the parmesan, blitzed everything and hey presto, one bowl of very delicious carrot soup.


17th July 2023


4th July 2023