16th November 2020

Meat free Monday, I really look forward to Mondays actually, it makes me really stop and think about what to cook and eat.  This week we made zaalouk, a deep rich spicy Moroccan dish of aubergines and tomatoes.  

I don’t often eat aubergines actually as I don’t love them and for many years really did not like them too much.  However, when I first saw zaalouk it looked so delicious I was tempted enough to try and I am really glad.  We had it with Cohen’s pittas (which are SO much nicer than the usual pitta bread you get), fried halloumi - I know, I know, not very Moroccan) and some home made onion chutney - delicious.

I would definitely make it again and it was really nice to try something new and different.


17th November 2020


15th November 2020