1st October 2020

I purposely made a large pot of bolognese on Tuesday so that I would have half left over for tonight.  The beauty of doing that is so then you can have a fabulous home cooked meal with hardly any effort. It really does improve with age.  Today I made cannelloni by taking lasagna sheets, putting a line of bolognese and rolling it into a cannelloni shape.  I put a tomato sauce on the bottom, the cannelloni on top of the tomato sauce, cheese sauce on the top and baked it for half an hour, it was perfect for a cold wet night.  My favourite part is always the cheese sauce that just mixes with the tomato as it bakes - it is so delicious.

I got a new cookbook today, Our Family Table by Julie Goodwin Australian Masterchef Season 1’s winner.  It is a really lovely cookbook.  It is FULL of recipes and all of them fabulous family meals with a chapter at the end to write down your own handed down recipes.  It really is a very lovely book and I am loving reading through it.


2nd October 2020


30th September 2020