26th January 2024

Today is Friday which thankfully this Friday means pizza night. It has been a long week and we have been talking about it all week since we decided the weekly menu and did the shopping list, and so the anticipation has been growing. Today, as I was driving it really was all I was thinking about, what base, what topping.  Then I remembered that we have some sloppy Joe mince leftover and then it came to me, how good would it be on a pizza with some of the leftover smoked mozzarella. 

So tonight we went for it and tested that theory and honestly, it was exceptional.  Really really exceptional.  How can something so very simple be so wonderful.  We used two cheeses, mozzarella and smoked mozzarella, cooked it in a super hot oven and something quite magical happened. Shame there are no leftovers.


27th January 2024


25th January 2024