25th January 2024

My favourite cookery book author is Eleanor Ford.  There are a few I really like, but Eleanors books (and food) just happen to be my favourite.  After buying Fire Islands and falling in love with it, I knew I needed to find a previous book of hers, Samarkand.  Getting Samarkand was incredibly challenging but I am glad I persevered.  After Samarkand came the Nutmeg Trail.  I love her use of spice and, as you all know, I love using spices and I have a fabulous spice cupboard which I use all the time. 

My favourite spices are cardamom, cinnamon and vanilla.  Cardamom as soon as I smell it just hits my brain and I declare how much I love it.  This may sound weird to some of you, (especially if you do not like cardamom very much) but I just love that aromatic exotic smell (and taste).

So imagine my thrill when Eleanor Ford announced her new book is called A Whisper of Cardamom!  To make it even more special, before the name was announced, she had asked the book club to road test a few of her recipes, which I did.  So I cannot wait for 1st February.

Also there is a event at Fortnum and Masons with her and her new book which I managed to get tickets to.  February is shaping up to be a good month.  No a great month.


26th January 2024


24th January 2024