2nd January 2024

Today I spent all day doing admin on the website - when I say all day, I literally mean all day, from 8am until gone 9am and still I am not finished.  The thing is, it is not anything that anybody will even notice, just some admin and changes to make everything look more uniform.  Anyway, after a long day and since we are trying to start the year eating healthily, we decided to have a mushroom stir fry.  I have to say, I do love stir fries, they are very quick, very easy and low on the calories and yet, because of the chilli kick, you can’t help but smile and want more.

I also decided to treat myself with two new (second hand) books I have had my eye on but just not yet got, Le Gavroche by Michel Roux and Sweet Savoury Spicy by Sarah Tiong.  I cannot wait to get them.  The  Michel Roux book is particularly poignant since Le Gavroche (amongst many other restaurants this month) has just closed.  Marcus closed his restaurant at the Berkeley, Simon Rimmer his restaurant and really, really sadly, Tony Rudd has just closed Cutler and Ink which has been on my radar for a while but just a place we did not quite get to.  The number of restaurants closing is really, really sad.  There are so many people struggling to make ends meet and feed their families.  Let’s hope this year something changes.


3rd January 2024


1st January 2024