2nd July 2021

I host a monthly cooking club at work on the second Friday in the month held over BlueJeans.  It is actually a lot of fun, there tends to be a little core group of us which is nice, we catch up, we cook and then we have something delicious to snack on.

Today I have been recipe testing gin and tonic cheesecake - or for those of us that do not like gin, a lemon cheesecake.

I had a rough idea of how I wanted the cheesecake to be but getting the tonic topping was what I needed to figure out. A few hours later playing with syrups and I think I am there.  Since most of the club love gin I am really looking forward to sharing this with them.

I took Matt to the boat club with Gail and Lennon today which was nice, the weather is gorgeous, the boys went off on the boat and we were able to sit and have a really good catch up.


3rd July 2021


1st July 2021