30th April 2022

Today we celebrated Rhona's birthday with a few people over for a braai and since we are not long back from SA the way to go was a South African themed braai. 

Usually people come we catch up laugh and then hours later they eat.  So today we decided that rather than make people wait the obligatory 5 hours before being fed we would eek the food out through the day.  We started with a lychee cocktail and South African crisps - Mrs Balls Simba chips and flings.  We then moved on to prosecco and eventually cheese grillers with chakalaka and then peri peri wings and finally pap and sous, potato salad and sosaties.  It was a really late night full and I mean full of laughter and fun.  Tomorrow I will be sorry, tonight I don't care.


1st May 2022


29th April 2022