29th April 2022

Today is Rhona's birthday - Happy Birthday Rhona!

So we went with Nicky and Brian to the Giggling Squid in Brentwood.  For me the food was amazing, authentically spicy but so good.  Poor Nicky however suffered.  A lot.  We had salt and pepper squid, spring rolls, Thai chicken wings, satay prawns and Som Tam Papaya Salad.  The prawns are really where it started to go downhill for Nicky as she declared them to be super spicy despite me removing all chilli.  For mains we had the giant butterfly king prawn pad Thai and beef Thai green curry and Nicky and Brian had the penang - which was gorgeous but far far too spicy for Nicky.  It was a huge amount of fun and despite us all declaring that an early night was needed, it was far from that.  Tomorrow will be long.


30th April 2022


28th April 2022