31st January 2023

Back during lockdown we started making chilli after buying a shop bought version and being really disappointed at the complete lack of a kick and pretty much any flavour.  When we first made it we got through it quickly enough that we then made 2 bottles - and then promptly forgot the 1 at the back of the cupboard for a good few months.  Until the weekend that is when we were cleaning the cupboards and discovered the now bright red chilli oil which looked absolutely glorious and really excited me.

So today we made a stir fry and I thought the chilli oil would be great in it.  Now, firstly it really was fantastic but secondly oh my word!  When the chilli oil heated it was so potent that we were coughing and spluttering and sneezing, there was so much spice in the air.  So the chilli oil should come with a health warning but it really did give the stir fry a great back flavour.  One to use with caution.


1st February 2023


30th January 2023