1st February 2023

Today I woke up thinking about mince beef and onion pie - no clue why really but in my mind it certainly was - and so the only thing to do was fold and make it.  Victoria and Noah were coming over this evening and so I thought it would be good to feed a crowd and test the recipe I had researched and concocted this morning.  I usually make my own pastry but as it is midweek and I had a busy day at work I just used shop bought, a shortcrust base and puff pastry top.  Whilst home made pastry is delicious, good shop bought has its place and honestly it did not ruin the taste at all.  It was everything I had hoped it would be, fairly simple, easy to put together and delicious.  So utterly utterly delicious.  With a spoonful of creamy mash this was quite literally a big in a bowl and really made me smile.


2nd February 2023


31st January 2023