4th September 2020

I have been reading through one of my cookbooks, Rosa’s Thai Cafe today, and have been eyeing up a few recipes and have marked them to remember, I am going to try the Pad Thai next week .  I‘ve tried to make Pad Thai several times before and although they have always turned out nice, they have always been lacking something, nothing I can put my finger on, but something.  

Rosa’s use dried turnip in their recipe which I had never heard of before. Discovering new things is exciting to me and so I spent time researching what it is, where to buy it, what it does to a dish etc. Reading up it is suggested that the certain missing something is most probably dried turnip. A revelation.

I am really excited to try the new recipe with the turnip now, I LOVE pad Thai and if I can replicate what I get in a restaurant I will be so happy. When I go to a new Thai restaurant I always get Pad Thai and Massaman on my very first visit as it is my way of understanding just how good they are.  Or, not.

I have high hopes of this new recipe being fantastic.


5th September 2020


3rd September 2020