6th August 2021

It really has been a very very very long week and I feel like we have limped our way to Friday. Tonight we knew whatever we cooked needed to be super quick but tasty. We made a spicy chicken stir fry which was just what was needed. I also think I have finally learnt how to cook rice noodles. Hot water not boiling so if you boil your kettle leave it for 15 minutes and then pour over. After 2 minutes you need to move the noodles so that they don’t stick and then do that a couple of more times, you want to leave them in the water for only 5 minutes. If you cook them this way then they won’t break up when you stir fry. I also made the cake for Graces’s birthday cake for tomorrow so that in the morning I can just assemble and decorate. The thing with cakes is they look so simple that you just don’t always realise how long things take.


7th August 2021


5th August 2021