6th February 2023

Happy birthday Mum.  I think of you every day and wish we could have just one more coffee and chat. I love you.

In memory of my mum I have been working on a pasta recipe which had its first test today, pasta alla vodka.  Mum didn't drink much at all but when she went out she did enjoy vodka.  She also loved scallops and they really did make her smile, a lot.

So tonight we had pan fried scallops and the pasta dish.

The pasta sauce before the cream and parmesan were added really did taste like bloody Mary sauce.  It was really really delicious, it made me think of mum and so did everything I needed it to be.

I had heard of pasta alla vodka and after making it Victoria told me it is popular at the moment and that #gigididit.


7th February 2023


5th February 2023