7th September 2020

We want to eat more vegetables and decrease our meat consumption and so we are trying to eat more vegetarian meals.  I was a vegetarian for 14 years and love vegetables so it isn’t a difficult thing to do but somehow I find it needs more thought oddly.

During the summer I found wild garlic which made amazing wild garlic butter which was gorgeous and made fabulous ciabatta garlic bread.  It was so good I bought enough while it was in season to freeze some butter.

Looking for inspiration for meals I came across the idea for mushroom burgers which got me thinking about how good they would be with the wild garlic butter.  I got a beautiful soft ciabatta rolls which I toasted, large Portobello mushrooms which I filled with the wild garlic butter and cooked until soft, I then put some cheese on the top and grilled them until the cheese was golden and put them inside the roll with a rocket and beetroot salad.  It was so tasty and cooked in 20 minutes.  Another perfect meal for a work day and perfect for meat free Monday.


8th September 2020


6th September 2020