6th September 2020

The weather has really turned and it has that feel of autumn in the air.  All I can think of on Sundays are long slow warming dishes and gorgeous hot puddings.

Rhona has been talking about her mother’s appeltert (apple cake/tart) that she used to make for them and has been on a bit of a search for a recipe that is similar.  This Sunday was therefore a perfect time to try out another recipe.  One thing you need to know about South African desserts is that they are sweet, super sweet and super delicious so many of the older recipes need the sugar reducing.

The recipe we tried Sunday was really good and it really hit the spot but apparently it wasn’t as light as Mrs Sullivan’s. I have since been researching and looking at how we can make it lighter without changing the tart overall.  I say tart but really it is a cake.  So next Sunday we will try again and I hope for the ultimate appeltert.


7th September 2020


5th September 2020