8th September 2024

How do the weekends fly by so quickly?  Victoria and I meet for coffee each week in town and this morning went to Gails. The coffee was nice and the pastries always look glorious so it was a lovely catch up and natter.

It always surprises me how busy the coffee shops in Sevenoaks are, especially since if you look at restaurants almost all of them are chains. If you asked me where to go out in Sevenoaks I would be hard pushed to pick somewhere, it is such a shame.

Yesterday afternoon we did a slow cook chilli and topped it with cornbread which was absolutely delicious.  The bottom of the cornbread had the lovely chilli gravy soaked into it and it was so light and fluffy. Delicious.  I also made guacamole and Rhona made a salsa.  It was quite cold yesterday so it really, really hit the spot as it was warming and just put a smile on your face.

Best of all, there are leftovers which we froze for when we are next feeling too tired to cook.


29th August 2024