Easy meals for busy weeks

Well hello there.  How have you been?  Safe and well and still enjoying cooking I hope.  I know our last blog was a few months ago but it has been a really busy, full on time with a couple of curveballs thrown in for bad measure!  The year has flown by and I actually can’t believe we are approaching the half way mark.

A lot of what I have cooked recently have been fairly easy, meals that require little effort (even if some of them do have a long cooking time) yet taste great and mean you don’t have to feel you need to slave in the kitchen when you just don’t have the time or energy.  It is easy to feel sometimes like cooking is a chore, hopefully you will love these recipes as much as we do.  

The shortbread lasted no more than half an hour and the sticky toffee banana bread is so amazingly good you will wonder how you have lived without it.

If you are vegan you can adapt any of these recipes, just replace with a non-diary equivalent.  For the banana bread just add slightly whipped aqua fabia in place of the eggs.


Easy Saturday evening meal 

Crispy chicken
Dry rub ribs
Peri peri sauce which is perfect not only on chicken but also on tofu or seafood


Easy Sunday meal

Beef and Guinness Stew - this is so great on a blustery cold wet day
Beef in master stock


Easy afternoon tea treats

Sticky toffee banana loaf

I hope you enjoy the recipes and, as always, if you cook them, tag me or send to me.

Other recipes new to the blog are: buttered spiced rice, salmon and pesto filo pie, carbonara, Bolognese, Mexican inspired seasoning for tacos, fajitas etc, massaman, macaroni cheese, macaroni cheese balls, and easy Yorkshire puddings that never fail.


Asparagus Season


Xin nian kuai le! Happy Chinese New Year