10th October 2020

Victoria has been asking for Chilli for a few weeks now, I had some leftover beef and so used that for the slow cooked chilli recipe.  I chunked the beef as I would have if it was raw, it cooked so nicely. 

I had a bit of a funny moment, I was halving the recipe as I only had half of the quantity of meat and then as I started to add the spices I completely forgot I was halving it and added the whole amount. It was really good but quite hot so I then spent the whole cooking time adjusting and trying to counteract the heat.  I think I was successful although I did make the biggest bowl of guacamole and the bowl was totally scraped clean.

Watch out for a blog post in the future on ways to counteract heat, too much salt etc. 


11th October 2020


9th October 2020