21st March 2021

Victoria asked a full roast today and with a fairly quiet day I was more than happy to oblige.  I love roast dinners but they really are quite hard work.  We had roast beef, roast potatoes, honey roast parsnips, yorkies, carrots, gravy and horseradish.  Everybody here loves Yorkshire puddings and I am lucky to have found a recipe that works perfectly, every single time and so now I don’t ever change from that.  If it ain’t broke don’t fix it isn’t that what they say?

I remember as a child my mum could just never cook them, it did not matter what she did, what recipe she followed, what advice she took, they just never ever worked.  My Auntie Pam however used to cook the perfect Yorkshire puddings and I remember when we used to go there as children James and I would eagerly await the yorkies and greedily eye them up from the moment we saw them coming out of the oven.  We used to love going to see Auntie Pam, Uncle Bill, Chris and Tony as we were thoroughly spoilt and we really loved plane spotting from the garden - Concorde being the ultimate plane to spot. I think this is where my love of planes started.


22nd March 2021


20th March 2021