22nd December 2020

Today I was recipe testing sweet Christmas mincemeat recipes - it is almost Christmas and I am yet to have a mince pie.  What is going on?!?!  Ordinarily I would have both made my own and nipped over to Fortnum and Masons long before now.

Not everybody here loves mince pies and so in a bid to change their minds I thought I would soften the fruit so they were plump and beautiful.  Sometimes mince pies can have a grittyness about them and to avoid that I find if you cook the fruit mix out you avoid this.  I also wanted them to be chocolatey and so made a very boozy chocolate mince mixture which tasted fabulous and the whole house smelt of Christmas spices.

Rhona also made a gorgeous fruit salad which was fresh and beautiful and we had it with whipped baileys cream which really went well with the fruit.  Well, it is Christmas.


23rd December 2020


21st December 2020