23rd September 2020

Today really felt like winter, like we had skipped through autumn and landed straight in winter. Inside with a warming coffee we were watching one of the elimination rounds in Masterchef Australia.  Generation Y had to taste a stroganoff, decide what meat, spices and other ingredients were in it and make it and just like that I knew I wanted stroganoff tonight. 

Stroganoff is like a big ‘I know it is really cold but here is a warming hearty hug in a bowl’.  It warms you up and makes you smile.

Back to MA - it was amazing how 2 of the 3 had literally no clue on what was in stroganoff or what it was, more worrying perhaps that one mistook nutmeg for paprika.  I spent some time researching recipes and was really surprised at just how many recipes contain neither sour cream nor paprika, both of which is, what I thought, made this dish intrinsically a stroganoff.

So we spent a few hours in the kitchen and have come up with a recipe that did absolutely everything you need from a bowl of stroganoff - it was so good.  I served with rice but I can see it is often served with pasta so will need to try that next time round.


24th September 2020


22nd September 2020