30th January 2022

Today is national croissant day so what better way to start the day than with croissants.  I did not make m own but bought ready made and then put in them cheese and ham and warmed them through for 15 mins.  It cannot be downplayed just how great they are.  They always taste divine.

I saw a vindaloo recipe that really took my fancy so I got all the ingredients and made it today.  Two things, firstly that recipe was not great because it had so many spices that it tasted grainy and secondly oh my word it was HOT.  The heat I could deal with if the taste was nice but the grainy horrible textures of the amount of spices just made it unpleasant.  I am annoyed that I did not listen to my instincts and went with the recipe because every time I ignore my instincts things go wrong.  I want to do this again with half the spices and then I think it will be really nice - albeit still really, really hot.


31st January 2022


29th January 2022