31st December 2021

So here we are at the end of another year, a very hard year let's be honest.  So today has been a peaceful day of reading cooking books and cooking.  We decided to see out the year with a bottle of prosecco and some Chinese dumplings in broth.

The dish is so gorgeous, the dumplings go so nicely with the broth and the broth has a lovely spicy kick from the chiu chow chilli oil with the base of master stock.  It is such a lovely meal with a big feel good factor. 

This can be either super simple or super easy.  The master stock if you don't have, just make half the amount and then you can either make your dumplings or you can buy ready made gyoza as most supermarkets sell them.

And so we said goodbye to 2021 with a very lovely evening, great food, a fantastic bottle of prosecco and great company. I have high hopes for 2022.


1st January 2022


30th December 2021