7th January 2023

Today we were invited over to Kerryn and Ian's for a catch up and an Egyptian evening, luckily a good rummage in the cupboard and I managed to find a Cleopatra costume .  I really do love catching up with people and love it even more when we are cooked for.  They really make such a big effort when we go over too so there was lots of wine, good food and great company.

I realised today that I actually had no idea what Egyptian food is and so I grabbed a coffee and a good read on Google and found what looks to be a great Egyptian recipe book that might need purchasing.  Any excuse really let's be honest.

The evening was finished off with an absolutely gorgeous honeycomb ice cream which we polished off way too easily with the homemade baklava I took over.


8th January 2023


6th January 2023