Happy New Year!

Polenta with Italian chicken

Polenta with Italian chicken

Nasi goreng

Nasi goreng

And so we begin the year much as we left off and I suspect it is going to take time for things to get back to more of a normal life. It is easy to feel sad, anxious and a bit low about things so be kind to yourself this year,  An healthy you needs a healthy mind.

After the excesses of Christmas a lot of people are thinking and talking about eating healthier, drinking less and taking up some exercise.  All of these things are good for the body and mind which, in the middle of winter, can only be a good thing.  Days are cold and dark and winter feels so long so a healthy mind is especially important. I have found that getting out at lunchtime for a walk is great for clearing the cobwebs and breaking up the day. I also can’t help but feel brighter and more cheerful when I return.

I am trying to start the year a little more healthier, trying to eat more fruit and vegetables, drink less and getting some exercise. What I am trying not to do is put undue pressure on myself or saying I won’t be eating x, y, z because, have you noticed that as soon as you say I won’t be eating or drinking something is the very moment that that is all you can think of?  Then feel glum you ‘can’t’ have it and like a failure when you eventually do have it.  Be kind to yourself and you will set yourself up to succeed.

Winter pasta

Winter pasta

Aside from being kind to yourself, be realistic.  Saying I am going to be good or bad is a sure fire way to feel rubbish on days when you do want to eat or drink whatever you want.  Being healthier is not about being good or bad, it just needs to be about moderation.  Aim to eat healthier and drink less more often than not in your week (so, say, 5 days out of 7) as this sets you up to succeed and you won’t feel guilty or like a failure when you do have days when you have a glass of wine (or two) or a eat whatever.  

Chicken Caesar salad

Chicken Caesar salad

Foods I like to have in my somewhat zen moments are lots of vegetables, fish and chicken and foods with a lot of flavour.  I have recently discovered a master stock which essentially is a very aromatic broth which you use to poach.  It is just so full of flavour and is delicious. Think of your master stock as a sour dough starter- you keep it and reuse it as the flavour intensifies as it gets older.

Some of my favourite things to eat in my zen moments are avocado toast, Nasi goreng, Peri peri Chicken, spaghetti Puttanesca, Singapore rice noodles, Pesto pasta, Winter pasta, Chicken Caesar salad, Sambal prawns, salmon in crème fraiche, polenta with Italian chicken.

Spaghetti Puttanesca

Spaghetti Puttanesca

Kat, belatedly above are the pasta recipes which have no or little dairy.  Where there is parmesan, you can either use a vegan parmesan or just leave it out.  If you leave it out you may just need to add a little salt and sugar because the parmesan helps to balance very acidic sauces.

Chris, even more belatedly this is my key lime pie.  The recipe has an easy version and one that includes making pastry.  I hope you enjoy

Key lime pie

Key lime pie



Veganuary, Dry January and the January Blues


Christmas leftovers