25th June 2021

Today we treated ourselves to a meal out at Kai in Mayfair, we both absolutely love Chinese cuisine and it feels like a lifetime ago since we went anywhere special.

The restaurant was lovely, most of the waiting staff brilliant and everybody socially distanced which helped me to relax.  We started with cocktails and then decided to move on to wine by the glass so we could both drink what we most wanted and change each course.

The food was incredible and by the end we literally could eat no more. We had:
Prawn toast
Pork bao
Lobster lobster
Sweet and Sour Pork
Fried Rice
Asparagus in ginger and spring onion sauce

And finally although we were so stuffed we had no room for anything else, a chocolate platter was screaming out and so really, what’s a girl to do?

The food was absolutely gorgeous and we would return in a heartbeat!


26th June 2021


24th June 2021